如果您还不是Danfoss客户: Please contact your local Danfoss customer service organization who can assist you in this matter. |
There are four options when placing an order: |
1.From the home screen, there is a Quick Order menu. Simply enter the part numbers and quantities needed and click the "Add to cart" button. |
2.在快速订购菜单的右下角,有一个“高级”链接。单击此要么将Excel文件从Excel文件复制并粘贴到文本框中;或从CSV文件上传,在这种情况下,您将提示您确定每列中包含的信息。 |
3.You can add items to your cart directly from the catalog. When viewing an item, simply select the quantity you want to add and click the "Add to cart" button. |
4。从订单历史记录中,您可以选择并将行项目复制到购物车。 |
Once you have completed one of the 4 options noted, you will use the "My Cart" icon in the upper right hand corner of the screen to follow the 5 steps to place the order. |
在快速订购菜单的右下角,有一个“高级”链接。单击此要么将Excel文件从Excel文件复制并粘贴到文本框中;或从CSV文件上传,在这种情况下,您将提示您确定每列中包含的信息。 |
At this time, Danfoss does not accept credit card payments for online orders. |
请联系您当地的Danfoss代表以确认。 |
To place an order, you must have an active account with the Danfoss location from which you want to order. |
Currently, these requests cannot be completed via the Danfoss Product Store. Therefore, you should contact the Danfoss Customer Service Department to return a product or change an order. |
请联系Danfoss客户服务以报告任何运输损失。 |
请联系Danfoss客户服务以报告任何保修索赔。 |
包装尺寸显示在结帐过程中,并指示包装盒中包含的零件数。大多数产品betway88必威手机版单独出售,而其他产品必须仅在盒子数量中订购。如果您必须以一定数量的倍数订购,则商店将显示警告或信息消息。 |
The Danfoss Product Store will not send an order confirmation e-mail. You will be provided with an order confirmation number and you will be able to view your order using the order confirmation number using order history in the My Account section. |
如果需要确认订单,请联系Danfoss客户服务,他们可以通过电子邮件将其发送给您。 |
To view a recent order's status and history, go to your home page and a list of your latest orders will be available. |
To view older orders, you can go to Order History under My Account and search by one of the options provided. The search options include Danfoss order number, your order number, code number, invoice number, date range and order status. |
一旦您接受了条款和条件并单击订单购物车中的“提交订单”按钮,您的订单将在我们的系统中注册并正在处理。不久之后,您将收到从我们系统生成的更具体的订单确认。 |
每个订单都需要以下信息: |
1.Purchase Order Number |
2.Part Number |
3.Quantity |
4。邮寄到地址 |
5。Shipping Method and any specific shipping information needed to process the order. |
您的电子邮件地址是您的用户ID。 |
If you cannot remember your password, then click the Forgot Password link next to the Sign In icon. |
您的用户ID是您的电子邮件地址,也不敏感。但是,您的密码对案例敏感。 |
请联系您的公司管理员或Danfoss客户服务,以验证您在Danfoss产品商店中拥有一个有效的帐户。 |
是的,可以根据其在OGAN中的功能来分配用户不同的权利。这些权利的功能包括: |
Go to the "My Account" section from the Home page. Under Profile, select the Update Personal Details to edit the way the name appears. |
有关更改植物地址的,请联系Danfoss客户服务,代表将能够为您提供帮助。 |
请联系您的公司管理员或Danfoss客户服务,以验证您在Danfoss产品商店中拥有一个有效的帐户。 |
A cart can be created at the time of checkout using the items loaded into it, and clicking the "Save Cart" link. You will be prompted to give the cart a unique name so it can be used in the future. The cart remains saved with the items added to it until they are either removed or the cart is deleted. |
单击“添加到购物车”按钮。如果要从购物车中删除项目,请单击位于单个订单线的数量下的“删除”,或单击“清除购物车”链接以删除所有项目。 |
转到主页上的“我的帐户”部分。在个人资料下,选择您的电子邮件更新以更改电子邮件地址的任何部分。在所需字段中重复新的电子邮件地址。选择更新以完成过程。 |
转到主页上的“我的帐户”部分。在个人资料下,选择更改密码。请按照指示输入您现有密码,然后输入新密码。在指示的框中确认新密码。选择更新以完成过程。 |
目录由您所在地区内部的本地市场定义。 |
是的。可以通过单击产品和“添加到比较列表”链接来创建比较列表。可以通过比较图标访问比较列表(在页面右上角的购物车图标旁边)。列表将随着项目的添加而构建。 |
Each product may contain a photo of the item, the part number, brief description and price (if available). Additional parts that work with the viewed product will also be listed. If certain products are to be used with a specific product (such as spare parts), these will also be noted. |
有一个备件和配件部分,可以通过选择具有相关备件和配件的产品来看到。 |
联系您当地的Danfoss客户服务代表。 |
从丹佛斯(Danfoss)运送的一些材料可能包含危险材料。我们的仓库和运输组织经过培训,可以准确识别,分类,包装,标签和准备所有有害物质和危险货物运输的必要运输文件。狗威体育赛事We ship in accordance with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), International Air Transport Association (IATA), DG Regulations and the US Department of Transportation’s Title 49CFR, Part 172, Subpart H. In some situations, outbound shipments to the same destination are split to comply with regulations and will be packed and/or labeled accordingly separate from non-Dangerous Goods. |
There could be additional transit time for large or bulky items depending on the product. This will be identified once an item is placed on order. |
您的运输日期可以通过三种方式计算: |
您可以在“运输优先”部分的“运输”部分中选择运输选项(如果有)。 |
货运费用基于订购过程中选择的运输选项,并受到船舶到位置,货物重量和当前运营商的影响。 |
You can choose different shipping options (if available) in the Delivery Section of the cart under the Shipping Preference section. |
For orders requiring same day shipment or air shipment, the order must be entered and approved prior to the daily cut off time. Please contact Danfoss Customer Service as soon as the order is placed to expedite the process. |
We share tracking information that we have on your order through your Online Order History in Danfoss Product Store. This information is available for all orders (whether placed online or not), and you can always check for updates using your order history. |
If you don't have tracking information in your order history, please reach out to Danfoss Customer Service for additional assistance. |
客户提供的反馈将用于改善Danfoss的客户在线体验。 |
Danfoss产品商店旨在使用以下浏览器的最新版本运行: |
铬合金 |
Firefox |
Edge |
苹果浏览器 |
可能有很多原因。要获得帮助,请联系您的Danfoss客户服务部门。 |
cookie是放置在浏览器内存中的小文本文件。它们允许网站识别您和您的偏好。 |
Danfoss产品商店的数据每天更新。 |
请联系您当地的Danfoss客户服务部门,以查看我们是否可以出口到您的特定国家。 |
请联系您当地的Danfoss客户服务部门以获取报价。 |
请在YouTube上查看我们的视频教程: 用英语:https://www.youtube.com/channel/uc5fvpqladoltgld0qc981og |